QR Code
New Year's Eve Poster
I have also decided to create an image on a billboard that will catch the eye of passers by so that they will want to stop and take a photo and upload it to Facebook. This image can then be shared by lots of people so that the word spreads around about Movie 43. The good thing about billboard advertisements are that they are very big and attract a lot of attention. Billboards usually do not have to be too extreme as people notice them anyway because of their size. However, when it comes to film advertising on billboards, I think the more extreme, the better. This is because it would then draw the public in and make them want to see the film because of how good the advertising was for it.
Billboard Advertising
I think Merchandise will be a good marketing technique to use as I can create T-Shirts and mugs etc. to help promote the film. There are a lot of films that have merchandise. Below, are some different types of merchandise for The Dark Knight and The Wolfman. As you can see, T-shirts and other type of clothing were made for The Dark Knight, which is what gave me the idea for T-shirts for Movie 43. Clothing items and books helped the marketing of The Wolfman. Other items that are good for movie merchandising are mugs, key rings and video games.
Examples of Movie Merchandise
Another idea was to create the premiere, I will decide where the premiere will be held, what the background for the images will be and I also will be designing the invitation to the premiere. Below is an example of a film premiere. The cast and crew members will all be there and will have their pictures taken in front of the backdrop for the press. The movie will then be played in the cinema where the premiere is held at a certain time. I will be designing the invitation to the premiere as these are important for all the guests and also include the design for the movie they are going to see.
My last idea was to write a press release to get the word out about the movie and also write who I am going to send my press release to. The point of the press release is to provide information to the media about the film. It will contain facts and information about the movie, the marketing for the movie including the premiere. It will also include how to get in contact with the production company and also the Facebook and Twitter pages for the movie. The press release will also contain the list of media that it will be sent to and why.