The merchandise for the movie will be T-shirts and mugs. The T-shirts will have the same design but with a different characters face on the front so that fans will be able to choose the T-shirts with their favourite characters. The mugs will have different designs. Some will include the cast names, whereas others will include pictures of the characters. The clothing items will be sold in shops such as TopMan, New Look and Primark. The mugs will be sold online. There will also a vest that fans can buy which will be sold in the same places as the T-shirts. The prices for the items will be as follows:
T-shirt will be £7.99, vests will be £5.99 and mugs will be £9.99.

The poster will be ideal for the target audience as it includes pictures of all the cast members as well as stills from the movie. There is also a QR code on the poster so that fans can get involved. The poster sticks to the colour scheme and will be used on bus stops and in magazines. The fans will be happy with this poster as it does not give too much away but it gives them enough to make them interested in watching the movie.

Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/#!/WhatIsMovie43?fref=ts
Twitter: @WhatIsMovie43
List of the media the press release will be sent to:
- The Sun
- Jonathon Ross
- Empire
- Total Film
The aim of sending the press release to these places is to entice a wide audience through the use of how different each media place is. For example, Jonathon Ross is a TV presenter who has his own show, so therefore, members of the cast could go own for an interview and promote the film. The Sun is a newspaper and will therefore include the posters as well as information about the movie.
The press release will specifically be sent to Empire and Total Film as they will allow a double page spread of interviews and reviews as it would appeal to a broader audience, unlike, for example, an animated film which will only appeal to a niche audience.
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